
& Beliefs

Our Vision

Jesus came to save the lost, give life to the full, and destroy the works of the devil. We’re “Jesus people” doing what Jesus did.

(LUKE 4:18-19)

Our Mission

Church of God Ministries serves the General Assembly by empowering the people of God to collectively build a Jesus-centered, biblically grounded Movement that brings the kingdom to life on earth as it is in heaven.

(MATTHEW 6:10)

Jesus is the subject.

Not just a tagline, these four words speak to our purpose and plan. Only when Jesus is the subject—not the church, not the building, not the music, not the name over the church doors—can God’s people work together, without division and distraction, to bring the kingdom to life on earth as it is in heaven.


As Jesus is the subject, we are called by his hand and Spirit to be verbs, action words in real life, real time.”

Jesus applauded those who stepped out of the boat, climbed down out of the tree, and got off their donkeys to proclaim good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, declare freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners, and announce the year of the Lord’s favor.

Not everyone was so sure. They said, “Jesus, tell us who are you?” He said, “I’ve already told you who I am but you don’t believe me. The works I do prove who I am.” Words must be proved true by action! We were created to take action and do good to everyone (Ephesians 2:10). Since our calling is to do what Jesus did, a brief look at why Jesus came and what he came to do offers a prescription for the Church of God.

Therefore, we, the Church of God, are “Jesus people” striving do to what Jesus did.

Our History: A People On the Move

The Church of God movement appeared in the 1880s in the midst of the broader Wesleyan-holiness movement in the United States. Early leaders of the Church of God hoped to restore a more Bible-based understanding and practice of what it means to be followers of Christ, working together to love God and people.

Today, the Church of God is an international family of Jesus people collectively building a Jesus-centered, biblically grounded Movement that brings the kingdom to life on earth as it is in heaven.

The love of Jesus, taught as the Great Commandments in the Bible, is but one of several core convictions that drive everything we do.

We believe, so we take action.

We do not imagine ourselves to be a denomination or institution, but a movement. The Oxford Dictionary helps us here, defining movement as ‘a group of people working together to advance shared ideas.’ We have seen ourselves as a movement within the larger Christian family, emphasizing certain core ideas drawn from Scripture, calling the best out of the larger body of Christ, expanding the kingdom of God.”

We understand there’s a direct relationship between what we believe and what we do. That’s why we recognize several key principles as central to our faith and practice. The following statements reflect five of the most common convictions you’ll find in our churches.

  • We follow Jesus. He is the one, true, supreme Lord.
  • We follow Jesus’ example. Through the Holy Spirit, we can live like Jesus lived, set apart for God’s sacred purposes.
  • We follow Jesus together. God calls us to care for each other, agree on what matters most, and cooperate and collaborate to accomplish his plans.
  • We follow Jesus through love. Loving God and loving people are essential elements of the Christian life.
  • We follow Jesus by learning what he did and taught. In the Bible, we find authoritative instruction and divine inspiration for faith and practice.