Welcome to West Bend First Church of God. We’re so glad you’re here.

How to get started at WBFCOG

Welcome to WBFCOG

Whether you’re exploring churches in Powell Co, or you’ve found your way here through our Online Services, we’re glad you’re here! We are a church that desires to point each other to Jesus in everything we do. And we hope to be as much of an encouragement to you as you are to us!

Lock arms with us, and let’s continue this faith journey together.

Sundays at West Bend

Whether you’re joining us in person or online, our desire is that you encounter God each service. We aim to do 4 things on a Sunday:

  • Connect you to God through prayer and worship.
  • Feed you the Word of God through solid Biblical teaching.
  • Love you right where you are.
  • Motivate you to serve your community.

You’re invited to join us just as you are. As we get to know each other, we want to lock arms with you and help you grow on your faith journey.

"We are redeemed messy people pointing other messy people to the gospel of Jesus."